When I visited my father and his wife over the holidays, I walked Chandler in the neighborhood where they live. One afternoon, I (we) came upon this magnificent bird of paradise. While I have seen many of these plants in my life, my experience this time was a bit different.
First, I was taken by the gorgeous colors. Next, I found myself giggling, thinking it looked like it was frozen in the midst of a hearty laugh. Then I wondered where the plant originated and how it came to be in this particular place, thriving as it obviously was.
When I got back to the house, I did a little research, and found out that the plant is native to South Africa. I also learned that it is the “official plant” of Los Angeles; that it is pollinated when birds seeking nectar land on it and pollen then lands on the bird’s chest and is carried to other flowers the birds land on; and that it is toxic to cats and dogs.
So, what’s this plant got to do with the Walk for Peace?
The things I learned about this plant were rooted in my curiosity about where it came from. What’s neat about it is that the answer to the question of origin lead to other questions and other things, which I might not otherwise have learned.
For me, the Walk for Peace has also been based in curiosity. I am interested in knowing how other people gain Peace in their own lives, and how they then share it with others. When someone shares their story, and it is so completely different from my own, I find myself being curious to learn about Peace from their perspective. I also find that this curiosity creates a genuine, open feeling; inviting further conversation. Curiosity is a building block on the bridge to Peace.
I wonder – who is your “bird of paradise”, and what are you curious to know about them?