A good portion of my adult life has revolved around helping people with organization. Setting up systems that help people to use their time with greater efficiency and ease is a pure joy. I don’t really understand why I’m good at organizing, but I do know it has been a saving grace for me, both personally and professionally.
Before I began the initial Walk for Peace in March of 2016, I sold or gave away the majority of my belongings, including my furniture, clothes, books, etc. And, since that time, I have endeavored to refrain from buying things that I don’t need. Even within this way of living, I have created a system. Every two to three months, I take stock of everything I have and attempt to reduce it by approximately 10%. Ironically though, I have not run out of “stuff”.
One of the important things I’ve learned is that a system is only effective if the person/people it is designed for will use it. That means that in order for me to be good at what I do, I need to collaborate with whomever the system(s) is being designed for. For me, this is a fun part of the work. Some people move right into any suggestion I make. Others laugh, knowing full well there’s no way they’re going to do what I’m suggesting.
Here’s the thing…
When systems break down, chaos becomes commonplace. At first, it might look like organized chaos, similar to the photo of the tumbled stones and driftwood above. However, at some point, the system gets stretched to point that it breaks.
I feel as if there are many systems in the world that aren’t working right now. And, I feel as if the ideas that are scattered about on how to manage things actually add to the confusion and chaos, because there is no clear direction as to creating and implementing the ideas.
My goal as I am moving about the chaos is to remember that I am not the only person experiencing this. Also, as I find my way through, I want to be of service to others. It helps me connect to the community and to my heart when I am helping others. And finally, keeping my own space and my things organized helps keep me calm and easeful; as it allows me to feel some sense of normalcy in the chaos that I cannot control.