Day 548

“The cure is care. Caring for others is the practice of peace. Caring becomes as important as curing. Caring produces the cure, not the reverse. Caring about nuclear war and its victims is the beginning of a cure for our obsession with war. Peace does not come through strength. Quite the opposite: Strength comes through peace. The practices of peace strengthen us for every vicissitude. . . . The task is immense!”
                                                                   ~ Sargent Shriver

In the news of the day, leaders of countries are finding ways to insult one another publicly; each barb a bit harsher than the one before. This angry, inciteful behavior breaks down the communication between nations, weakening international relationships, and damaging people’s morale. The obsession with the mindset of war; based in power and separateness is counter intuitive to Peaceful discourse. And, the world is watching.

At the same time, in the wake of hurricanes, earthquakes and flooding all around the world, people are coming together and caring for each other. They are offering assistance to people they don’t know, coming together to find new ways of being after natural disasters have wreaked havoc in their lives and communities. Every day, there is example after example of character and strength in the acts of compassion and kindness the people share with one another as they begin the arduous task of rebuilding their lives. The very nature of the conditions, obstacles and experiences these people are navigating can be extraordinarily stressful, anxiety ridden, frightening and overwhelming. Yet somehow, the majority of the people are Peacefully finding strength in those around them. And the world is watching.

On March 1, 1961, the Peace Corps was established by Executive Order #10924. Founded by President John F. Kennedy, Sargent Shriver, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Harris Wofford and Mark Shriver, the stated mission of the Peace Corps includes providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. Under the direction of Sargent Shriver, the Peace Corps had more than 14,500 volunteers in 55 countries. And the world was watching.

For this Peace Walker, the practices of Peace can be as simple as running an errand for a friend, or helping a stranger in the midst of a crisis; or as complex as volunteering to be of service in a foreign country, away from friends and family. The practices of Peace begin with an understanding that I am no more or less than the person next to me, and that our common humanity is where we will find strength to be in Peace. And in this Peace, we become the world we want to watch.





Day 545

When I was growing up, I was a member of an organization called Assisteens. It was a program started by the Assistance League, giving youth (when I was a participant, it was only girls) an opportunity to volunteer within their communities.

The Assistance League was founded by two women in the early 1900s. Originally, they provided food and clothes to local families who were greatly impacted by the war. Within a few years, they expanded with a neighborhood Community House that offered programs and services. Ann Banning and Ada Edwards Laughlin and a number of their friends who were inspired by their privileged lives, to help people adversely impacted by their circumstances. Today, the Assistance League is a non-profit organization with more than 120 active chapters.

At Assisteens, were each encouraged to volunteer for a minimum of 40 hours per school year, and there were a number of different ways we could be of service. My parents had already taught me about being polite and assisting people in my day to day activities when I saw someone who needed help, but as near as I can remember, Assisteens was my first real exposure to consciously planning and seeking out ways to be of service.

I can say that at the time, I didn’t really enjoy going to the meetings. And, I don’t remember the activities I participated in to “get my 40 hours” each year.

Later, when I made the decision to get clean and sober, the organization that helped me also encouraged being of service. The amount of service a person does is a completely personal decision, as is the type.

What I love about this is that both organizations were founded on the principle of giving back to the community. And, both organizations remain active and viable to this day.

When I am of service to someone else, I find myself feeling grateful that I can do something for someone else. I also notice that it makes me feel connected to the person or people I am helping, even if they are not present. It gets me out of my own head, and gives me the opportunity to be present to the moment, which is a truly Peaceful feeling.

I may not have enjoyed being in Assisteens, and I can’t say I expected to need to get clean and sober; but I am convinced that my life is richer for incorporating service as a part of it.

Day 539

In the past few weeks, a great deal of my thoughts have been in what I call a blank space. Blank, because I don’t actually see anything concrete in front of me. “Now what?”, is the question my friends and relatives have asked me most often. And I find myself responding with “I don’t know”.  At first, when someone asked me that, I felt as if I needed to have a plan of action, and I found myself trying to figure it out. However, as I have looked deeper within, I have come to understand that in this blank place is where I will find my direction. This is not an easy place to be; particularly in a world where what we do and how much we accomplish is the “norm”.

One of the things I hear quite often when I am coaching people and when I speak with folks on the Walk for Peace is that for them, Peace comes when there is “down time” or “nothing to do” or “time off”.

We rarely take the time these days to allow for the blank space in our lives. It’s as if our lives have become a series of activities to check off when complete, rather than experiences to share with each other in community.

When we find a moment of quiet, we are checking our electornic gadgets – making sure we don’t miss anything. And when we’re with other people, we often ask them to wait while we make plans or text someone else.

One of the ways in which I am allowing myself to experience this blank space is by shifting the simple question from “Now what?”, to “What now?”. In this change, I find there is less expectation of doing, and more of an open invitatation to be in the present moment.

When was the last time you had a moment to ask “What now?”, and then to sit until the answer appeard rather than forcing it to come? It takes courage to sit in the unknown without taking action. Today, I embrace the challenge to be with the blank space. For it is in this space, that Peace comes.


Day 535

This damsel fly was in the house flitting from spot to spot, landing for a moment, and quickly taking off again in what seemed like a bit of a frenzied manner. I wasn’t sure if I could catch it without causing injury. However, I felt compelled to try so that I might be able to set it free outside – where it could again, be in its natural environment. As I reached up slowly and set my hand next to the damsel fly, it quickly made its way onto my finger. I took it outside, and as easily as it crept onto my finger, it took flight.

The delicate yet resilient nature of this creature made me think about the people all over the world who are finding their own resiliency in the fragile circumstances of their lives.

Recently, huge numbers of people have been or are preparing to be affected by natural disasters. Others are having their lives uprooted because of unilateral decisions made by individuals in power. And even more are experiencing the devastation of hate and separatism on a personal level previously unknown to them.

At the same time, we are witnessing an enormous coming together of people in support of one another, the likes of which are unprecedented. People who do not know one another are offering their resources, time and help in any way they can. Employers are standing with their “Dreamers”. Faith communities and agnostics alike, are choosing to come together in solidarity.

Although there is widespread loss, pain and grief, there is also community, support and gratitude present.

Humans are delicate. And they are resilient. Just as the damsel fly looking for a place to land, we are looking too. Just as the damsel fly was offered and chose to receive assistance, we can choose and receive it too. And finally, just as the damsel fly found flight, so too, can we.


Day 529

When you have a gut feeling that things aren’t right and unfair, you should speak out. If you have to stand up alone, stand up alone.                                          ~ Claudette Colvin

In February, 1956 a court case (Browder v. Gayle) was filed with Claudette Colvin, Aurelia Browder, Susie McDonald and Mary Louise Smith as plaintiffs. Claudette Colvin had been arrested nine months before Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. That case went to the District Court and then to the Supreme Court, which upheld the lower court’s order to Montgomery and the state of Alabama to end segregation on busses.

Although she was neither the first person of color to refuse to give up her seat for a white person, nor was it the first time Rosa Parks had refused to, on December 1, 1955, rather than simply kick her off his bus, the white bus driver (James F. Blake) opted to call police and have her arrested.

Four days and a great deal of organizing later, members of the NAACP (including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a new minister in town) and the African American community began a boycott of the Montgomery Bus System that lasted 381 days. During the boycott, buses often ran with no passengers or stood empty.


It takes more than one person to bring about Peace – it takes all of us.                         ~ Rosa Parks


Neither of these women knew when they took a stand for their rights and those of their fellow human beings, that they would become symbols of the Civil Rights Movement. What they did know was that their civil rights were being impinged upon, and they each used their voice as a stand for justice. They did not injure anyone. They did not name call. They did not place blame or shame the people who would oppress them. They each stood their ground, found the support of their community behind them, and continued to work in some capacity for social justice for the remainder of their lives.

We are in a time where taking a stand for Peace in whatever way we are moved to is perhaps the greatest gift we can give ourselves and each other. Peace will look like assisting people in Texas, India, Bangladesh and Nepal who are so profoundly affected by flooding. It will look like rescuing animals and cleaning them when oil spills into the sea. Perhaps it will be addressing the bully at a child’s school, so that it can again become a place to learn. For some, it will be caring for aging parents in seemingly untenable circumstances, offering them a modicum of dignity in their last days. For some, it will be rallying in the streets and finding supporters within the community who also want Peace and feel ready to stand with them.

Each of us has the ability to be Peace within our own lives, and to connect with others for the sake of Peace, just as Ms. Colvin and Ms. Parks did. Stand alone, and support will be found in the most amazing ways. For each of us, all of us, has something to contribute.


Day 522

Dear friends,

I’m going to ask you to bear with me a bit as I share here – my intention for today and for this writing in particular is vulnerable, full bodied voice. I am not at all sure where I’m going, so I too, will bear with.

Since I arrived in Nevada County, I have had many people share their happiness that I made the decision to come back. I’ve also been told it was a “good” decision. Friends are reaching out, Chandler is relaxed and seems to be feeling well and I have settled at the home of my friends, Tina and Becky. On the surface, all is well.

For this Peace Walker, however, in the layers beneath the surface, I am wandering through a maze of curious and challenging self-inquiry. Curious because I honestly do not know what the next right step is for me. I am still called to Walk for Peace, and I believe I always will be. And, I am asking myself whether the Walk is sustainable the way I have been doing it. Challenging because I question whether my energy would better serve Peace in a Walk that is is more than a woman, her dog and a buggy on the road…

And the biggest question, of course; “What is Peace, to me?”. I’d like to try and answer that here; as it might help guide me.

To me, Peace is a world where human beings understand our inner connectedness and interdependence. It is where nonviolence is how we are, not something we strive for. It is open dialog and a “seat at the table” for all people. Peace is rooted in an absence of fear and hate, spreading out in love and kindness. It is where all human beings have equal rights and equal opportunity. Peace is a world disarmed. No nuclear warheads, no chemical stockpiles; a complete absence of arms. And, Peace is the recovery, restoration and protection of our environment and all it’s inhabitants.

The events in Charlottesville two weeks ago actually rocked me to my core. I have spent a great deal of time trying to find in myself why it was so debilitating, and what I am aware of is the energy of hate that was present. The anger that one could see in the eyes of the participants was palpable – with no room for it to dissipate. And, a young, white woman was killed standing for what she believed in. I found myself wondering if the media coverage would have been different if a person of color, or someone with a disability, or an openly queer or transgender person had been killed. Its also important to remember that a young, white male drove his car into a crowd for what he believed in. I wondered if the media would have called his act terrorism if he had been a person of color or of foreign descent. Of course, the questions are rhetorical, yet I cannot help but wonder.

I feel strongly that for every act of hatred, exclusion or racism that occurs, the way to Peace lies in an even greater act of love, inclusion and empathy. Although the questions about the Walk and it’s evolution remain unanswered tonight, I find myself eager to do more for the sake of Peace, and holding still in the place of inquiry.

Peace to you,


Day 518

Over the past few days, I have spent a great deal of time thinking about the Walk for Peace and the magical, purposeful feeling I have felt beginning each day with thoughts of Walking and talking with people about Peace. In some ways, it’s hard to believe it has already been eighteen months since I first stepped off, and in others, it feels like just yesterday that I took my leave from the park in Nevada City.

One of the constants for a traveler like me, is change. Whether it is where I stay, who I stay with, the route I take, the city I’m in or even something as simple as where my morning coffee is going to come from, everything is fluid. And, there have been days when the fluidity has been graceful and full of ease, and other days that are choppy and difficult to maneuver.

As I continue to check in with myself about the best way to be a voice for Peace in the world, I would like to hear from you. Tell me an experience you’ve had in the past week that has brought you Peace. Share how the Walk for Peace has touched your life. And, let’s take a moment to feel into the energy of this community by connecting through shared experience.

Who wants to go first?

Day 516

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to catch a ride from Washington to California with my new friend, Féven. I feel really fortunate to have answered Féven’s ad, and to have had the opportunity to get to know her during the course of the nearly 700 mile trip. From our first exchange over text, to the moment we said goodbye in Sacramento, there was an ease between us. Our conversation ranged from our taste in music to families to travel, politics and the events of the previous few days, particularly Charlottesville.

In my initial communication with her, I invited Féven to look at my website (blog) to find out a little about me. As we traveled, it became evident that Féven had read some of what I’d written, and we had a chance to speak about the Walk, Peace and the continuing need to speak up and speak out against violence, hate and white supremacy.

One of the questions Féven asked was where I am going next. I explained that the  events of the past several days have affected me very deeply and that I am feeling a need to be close to my dear friends and colleagues, who help ground me and who assist me in staying connected to my purpose.

I have a daily practice which includes meditation, stretching, intention setting and inviting my guides to be with me and those around me. However, this has felt woefully inadequate of late, and that is why I came back to California. I wanted to have connections to my support system for the sake of regeneration of spirit and renewal of purpose.

In all honesty, I spent much of today resting and reaching out to get time with people. The messages and support from all of you are both welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.

At the end of the day, my Peaceful and heart centered experience with Féven allowed me to sink into gratitude and connection, and  also reminded me that in the midst of my passion, is my heart, which sometimes needs tending.

Day 513

Early this morning, I read about the attack in Barcelona, and I found myself weeping quietly as I prepared for the day of Walking. The almost commonplace violence we are experiencing right now felt like more than I could be with today. And so, at a friend’s suggestion, I decided to avoid any additional news for the day, and to put all of my energy into the Walk.

Early on in the day, I found myself visiting with a homeless gentleman who was sitting atop a plastic five-gallon paint bucket with a sign, asking for “spare anything?”. I was intrigued by the sign, and so I approached and offered him one of the sparkling waters I’d just picked up at the service station on the opposite corner. He rose, pulled another bucket from his stack of two, and offered me a seat. From there, our conversation zig zagged to many different topics.  At one point, Jesse began to speak about the events in Charlottesville, and I asked him if we could just sit in silence for a moment rather than discussing the details of the weekend. He graciously agreed, and we just sat together quietly until it felt comfortable to begin talking again.

Tonight, the quiet feels important still. My thoughts are with the people of Barcelona, and all who were directly affected by the attack.

And, my heart is with the people of the world – holding for Peace.





Day 511

These are the words of Dr. Amit Ray, an author and spiritual master. He is known in many parts of the world for teaching about compassion, meditation, yoga and Peace.

For this Peace Walker, these words could not ring more true.

Less than twenty four hours after the incident in Charlottesville, VA, where a young woman was killed and several others were wounded, two young men carried out an attack on a restaurant in Burkina Faso, killing 18 people and injuring numerous others.

I want to take a moment to express how sad I have been for the families and friends of all of the people killed as well as for the folks injured in the attacks. I cannot begin to know the impact this type of violence has had on the people closest to it. I only know that my heart aches for them.

As I caught up with the news today, I read about vigil after vigil being held in solidarity with the people of Charlottesville. In fact, there is one scheduled for Olympia, Wa (where I am right now) this evening. In Canada and nations around the globe, there are vigils being held for those who lost their lives in Burkina Faso. This type of gathering brings people together in support of others, and it offers a way to connect with people around experiences that are profoundly difficult to process.

And in the moments, hours and days that follow, it is important that we continue to respond with courage in a nonviolent manner. This doesn’t mean give up or ignore those that would encourage hate and violence. Quite the contrary. Responding rather than reacting gives each of us a choice. The choice is to respond with love or to react from fear.

I cannot condone or support hate, discrimination, injustice or intolerance. More than that, I am compelled to be a voice for Peace. When I see hate, I will do my utmost to respond with love. If I see discrimination or injustice being perpetrated upon another human being, I will look within and seek to respond with an open, inclusive mind. When intolerance is evident, I will do what I can to find something to align us rather than to sit idly by watching hate and violence take over.

And, when carrying the message of a nonviolent way of being feels insurmountable, I will join with others, and courageously ask for help.