I am sometimes asked about the differences between coaching and therapy. The Coaches Training Institute provides a good explanation to help answer that question.
As Co-Active® Coaches we bring awareness and curiosity to the emotions of our clients so that they can make better choices and move into action. We are present with our clients in the current expression of their emotions and bring curiosity to that place, whether it’s in our client’s magnificence or in the challenging places of their inner and outer lives. As coaches, we don’t deal with the psychological antecedent to the emotion —that is the realm of therapy.
There are times when a co-active coach may recognize that the client’s needs can be served by therapy.
Discovering that there is something that should be addressed by therapy is a positive coaching outcome, and as coaches, we refer clients to therapy when needed. There are many possible scenarios in this situation —one is that the coach holds the client accountable to finding a therapist and completes the coaching. Another is that the coach, client and therapist design an alliance whereby the coaching continues and the client works with a therapist at the same time.
As a co-active coach, I will help you to unlock your inherent potential in the areas of your life where you’ve requested coaching. I will ask powerful questions to tap your vision and wisdom. We’ll work together to direct your actions in support of your self identified agenda. The intended outcomes of our experience are predictable, sustained results with you achieving your full potential.