Peace of Mind… (blog)

Day 383

This is my new friend, Liberty. I met her when I went to pick up a prescription at the drug store. As I stood in line waiting for my turn, I watched Liberty wait on an elderly woman with attention, care and compassion that immediately filled my heart with Peace. Liberty knew the woman by name, asked about her wellbeing, and encouraged her to stay out of the cold. When asked for directions to a product in the store that the woman needed, Liberty slowly and deliberately explained (and explained again when it was clear that the first time had been misunderstood), allowing the woman to ask as many questions as she needed to in order to be confident to head off into the expanse of the store.

When it was my turn, I stepped up to the counter and began the process of obtaining my prescription and purchasing my items. In the middle of the transaction, Liberty stopped and thanked me for Walking for Peace. She said if she had time, she’d Walk too. Liberty shared that she “doesn’t do anything for Peace, except that on Saturdays, she lights two candles in her house. One for a cure for cancer, and the other for Peace.”

As I listened to Liberty, I was struck by her committment to the practice of lighting candles with intention each week – and I felt moved when I learned that cancer has struck her family “so many times”.

I thanked Liberty for lighting the candles, and suggested that this is her way of helping find a cure for cancer and Walking for Peace.

What a lovely soul to meet this afternoon – I am again, touched by the energy of Peace.

Day 382

Today has been a difficult day for me emotionally, as I awakened to the news of the attack in Stockholm, Sweden. As soon as I knew, I sent a text message to my brother-in-law (he’s Swedish) and my sister, letting them know that I was thinking of them, and praying that their friends and family were safe. And all through the day, I have been aware of my own angst. Not only because of this most recent incident, but because this is only one in a recent barage of many.

What’s important about noticing my discomfort and angst, was that I didn’t feel like I could find a point of grounding, Peace if you will, by myself. So, I reached out to a friend for help. I explained that I was having a tough time and that I was in a place where I couldn’t center myself.

Immediately, my friend asked for a moment to take in where I was, and she began speaking to me with clear, concise direction. She walked me through breathing, surrounding myself with strength and healing, and inviting me to allow all the things I was holding to be released. As soon as I began the first deep breath, I began to cry. And in the tears, I could feel my body releasing the tension I’d been holding around all of the violent, seemingly senseless acts of the past few days. By the end of the call, I was at Peace. That is to say, I was settled in the state of being unsettled about the world, and no longer feeling the weight of it upon my shoulders. From this place, I find myself able to hold the Dream of Peace in my soul, and the people directly affected in my heart.

In this time of instability, I know that it is important for me to reach out for help when I need it. I believe that as the distress increases, so too must the practices that help return and/or retain Peace.

As I am working on preparations to begin Walking for Peace again, I am grateful that I know I can pick up a phone and at a moment’s notice, be grounded again.

For this Peace Walker, the connection of souls in a way that sees and supports all levels of energy and emotion, is the path from presence to Peace.

Day 378

Tonight, as I prepare to go to sleep, I am aware of how fortunate I am. I have a warm, safe place to lay my head, and a reasonable expectation of awakening to the same. This sense of well being affords me a feeling of Peace.

I cannot help but think about the stark contrast of my circumstances to those of the people of Mocoa, Columbia, whose lives were turned inside out by flood waters caused by excessive rainfall in the area. Many people have died, and still others are missing. There is no way to tell how long the chaos will go on as people attempt to make sense of this turn of events. My whole being aches for the families and the community.

Also, I found myself holding my breath as I heard the news of the bombing in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The absolute shock people must have experienced as they witnessed, and were injured by the explosion seems unbearable. I can’t imagine the tremendous pain of the families of those killed or injured in the attack. My heart feels heavy with the viciousness of this act.

So yes, I get to go to bed in a warm, safe place tonight. I do so however, with the my arms energetically wrapped around the people of Mocoa and St. Petersburg in love, community and healing.

Day 373

When I was young, I really wanted to play baseball. Not softball – baseball. Unfortunately, baseball was for boys. Fortunately, I have a rather persuasive father, who convinced one of our family friends to agree to have me on the team he was coaching, provided I could get registered properly. And, after much discussion about the baseball program’s guidelines not stating anywhere that girls weren’t allowed, I presented my birth certificate to verify my age, and I was registered.

As you can imagine, there was a great deal of outrage that a girl was playing, and it came from other teams, parents, members of the community and even a local newspaper.

It wasn’t easy to show up at practice where I was teased behind my back, but I kept going, because I loved baseball. Over the years, various members of my family would come to the games, and they routed me on with enthusiasm and love.

After my first season, the program changed its name from “Baseball for Boys” to “Baseball for Youth”, and girls were allowed equal access to baseball in my city.

When I was going into seventh grade, girls took homemaking and boys took shop. The thing is, I wanted to take shop. This time, my mother did the talking. Of course, there was nothing that said a girl couldn’t take shop. The school told my mother that their policy was for girls to take homemaking and boys to take shop. Fortunately, my mother is also very persuasive, and ultimately, I was allowed to sign up for and to take shop.

This time, I was actually bullied by my teacher. He was angry that he had to let a girl into his shop class. At one point, he broke into my shop locker and went through my things. He found a notebook that had some doodles that had the middle finger prominently displayed, along with some stylized handwritten curse words (not proud of this last part, but I admit I had drawn these things on the inside of my notebook). I had been working on a project and was awaiting my turn at the sanding station, when I was summoned to the school counselor’s office. When I got there, my mother was in one chair, and my counselor was behind his desk with my notebook in front of him. Rest assured, I was nervous.

My counselor began by explaining that drawings such as the ones in my notebook were unacceptable at school, and that I could be suspended for having them. He asked if I understood, and I said I did. I then asked him how he got my notebook. He said my teacher brought it up to him. When I explained that it was in my locker and that I hadn’t given the teacher the combination, my mom leaned forward in her chair and asked if that was true. After getting confirmation that in fact, the teacher had entered my locker without permission, my mother made it clear that the teacher had acted unethically, and that she expected the school to take action to reprimand him. (In case you were wondering, when we got home there were consequences for the contents of my notebook.)

I went back to shop class the next day, and while the tension between me and my shop teacher was palpable, I continued my work on my project. I also went on to complete the year as the only girl in shop.

The following year, shop was open to girls, and homemaking was open to boys.

Here’s what’s important about these stories for me.

Each time, one of my parents stood behind me so that I could follow a passion for something. I learned that standing with someone who is passionate about something is a gift that was given to me, and that I could give to someone else. I learned that change can be frightening to some people, and that the push back is not always kind or even reasonable. This makes it challenging to be in the front of the line, leading the change. And, I learned that the challenges I am willing to walk through help to strengthen me, which I can then share with others.

Today, as I Walk for Peace, I take these lessons with me. I invite people to share their passions with me. I support them in whatever way I can. When I notice myself or someone else being fearful, I look for the strength to walk through the fear, and I encourage others to do the same.

And by the way, I’m still an avid baseball fan. I also still enjoy working in a shop.

Day 368

A couple of weeks ago, I had a brainstorming session with several people about the next phase of the Walk for Peace. During that call, my friend Janelle indicated she wanted to send me a book that a friend of hers wrote. I texted her my address, and that was that.

Or was it?

A few days later, Janelle checked to see if I had received the book, and I said no. After several days, I still hadn’t received the book. Janelle tracked the book, and found that it had been delivered a few days prior. As I tried to figure out what happened, I suddenly had the realization that I had made a mistake…

For twenty plus years, my city and zip code were the same. However, when I came back to this area to recover from my recent knee surgery, I obtained a P.O. box just outside of the city limits, so my city and zip code changed. I had given Janelle my old city and zip code. Unfortunately, there is a Post Office in each city, both with the same box number. I went to the Post Office, and no one had returned the package, so I surmised the book had gone to the box holder. I asked if they would put a note in the box for me, and the person helping me said he couldn’t, but that I was welcome to mail a note to if I wanted to.

At this point, I could have ordered a new copy for the book, but I decided to take a chance on the box holder who got the book. I wrote a note similar to what I’ve described here, and mailed it. I decided to wait a week, and if I hadn’t heard anything, to go ahead and order a new copy.

Guess what?

Yesterday, I got a text from the “other” box holder. Guy introduced himself, and offered to meet and return the book. We agreed on a time and location, and today began with our meeting.

What is really special about this entire story, is that I had an amazing conversation with Guy this morning. The first thing Guy did, was to buy me a cup of coffee. After a few minutes of getting acquainted, I mentioned the Walk for Peace, the phone conversation that started this story, and that the book Janelle sent was so that I could learn a bit about using social media to share information and include more people in the the Walk.

As we sat and talked, Guy asked several questions about my vision, what Peace is to me, how I came to Peace in my life, and how I think we begin to share Peace with people who might be diametrically opposed to my perception of it. I also had a chance to ask Guy several questions, and to gain a broader perspective on what Peace might be like for someone else. I learned about some of Guy’s experiences living overseas and working for Intelligence. I found myself speaking with Guy with surprising ease, which gave me a sense of Peace. At the end of our time together, we took this photograph, and when I invited Guy to contribute to the Walk, he said that “if I would allow him to, he’d like to help”. I thanked him, and we agreed to keep in touch.

Tonight, I am grateful for a new friend, a returned book, a simple address mix-up, Janelle’s kindness in sending the book, and Janelle’s friend for writing the book in the first place!

Day 366

This morning, I read the news of an attack near the Parliament building in London, and an air strike in Syria on a school that was being used as a refugee center, and I found myself feeling overcome with emotion.

First, I felt sick to my stomach. The idea of another act of violence makes me feel physically ill. Whether it is an individual attack, or an air strike on a location incorrectly mapped by a computer, I feel it in the pit of my stomach. Next came confusion. I don’t understand the choice to injure and kill others. And, quite frankly, I am relieved that I don’t. Shortly after the confusion began to settle, I could feel the anger rise in my body, which was followed by silent tears of sadness streaming down my face. And then, I found myself thinking about the families and friends of those hurt and killed – including those who carried out the attacks.

As the day progressed, I could feel the heaviness of my thoughts creeping in, so I reached out to a colleague and asked for some help. At first, I just shared my feelings, but as the call progressed, we talked about continuing to channel my response to violence into positive action.

One simple, positive action is to support businesses that are welcoming and inclusive. I was out for coffee with friends over the weekend, and we went to this particular coffee house where everyone is welcome.

Today, I was reminded of people who turn to exclusivity, hate and violence to claim their space in the world. I was also reminded that there are people who turn to inclusivity, love and peace to find their freedom in that same world.

Now, more than ever before, the Walk for Peace fills me with purpose and the vision I hold is a Dream of Peace for the world.

Day 365

One year ago today, I began the Walk for Peace. I took the first steps with friends and family wishing me well, and I was off. In the span of three hundred sixty five days, I have come to know myself at a deeper level and to appreciate a greater sense of Peace within myself than I have ever known. I have reached into my heart and given of myself to others, and I have received great kindnesses from those I have met along the way.

In a world where separateness, fear, anger, violence and destruction are commonplace, being a voice for Peace takes courage. It is easy to fall into habits which create distance and separateness, because it is familiar. For me, however, the call to be a flame for Peace in the world helps me to access the courage and to continue the work.

For those of you who are a part of the Walk for Peace, I am profoundly grateful. Your support of this vision is invaluable. For the people who have chosen to take a step into courage and to be Peace in your lives, I honor you. And for those who are searching for Peace, I applaud you. All efforts for the sake of Peace expand the movement, the energy of Peace further out into the world. Every moment in a day that someone devotes to Peace, moves us closer to the Dream of Peace.

As we move into this second year on the Walk for Peace, let us draw on each other’s courage. Let us share the energy of Peace everywhere and with everyone. In this way, it is Peace that will become the way to be in the world.

With greatest gratitude for year One, I thank you.

Day 363

This morning, I was greeted with a lovely message from my friend, Larry. He had just completed reading one of my recent posts, and has decided to accept my challenge to begin his day with the word Peace. Larry shared the prayer of Saint Francis, (also known as the Peace prayer), saying my post reminded him of it.

What is neat about this particular message is, that Larry and I grew up in Redlands together, our families attended the same church and we attended the same high school. However, we hadn’t been in contact since graduation.

Until, the Walk for Peace. Larry and his wife Erin have been following and supporting me on the Walk since shortly after it began. Erin reached out and introduced herself to me, sharing that Larry had told her about me and the Walk for Peace. She said that she had been following the Walk. Thank you, Erin, for reaching out to me.

Something in my post reminded Larry of the Peace Prayer, and it prompted him to share the words with me this morning. And, tomorrow morning, both Larry and I will begin our days with the word Peace.

This is how simple it is to grow Peace in the world. Reach out. Share your Peace with others, and invite them to do the same. Thank you, Larry, for sharing your Peace with me.

Day 362

In the past few days, I have been thinking about some of the people I have spoken with about Peace, and I have been feeling deep gratitude for their willingness to share their experiences with me. In some instances, the conversations were with people I knew well, while others were with complete strangers.

Today, some of my friends and I were discussing what Peace means, and one shared that for Peace doesn’t mean everything is happy and wonderful all the time, but that there is room for dissention, without fear of violence.

For me, Peace is unconditional self acceptance. It is knowing all aspects of myself, and including each as part of being whole. It is compassion for myself and those around me. Peace is seeing people as human beings, rather than as objects. It is the amelioration of hunger, poverty, and hate. It is social justice. Peace is the end of suffering. It is the laying down of arms, both metaphorically, and literally.

And, it is so much more…

Day 359

As I took Chandler for a Walk this morning, I was pleasantly aware of the feeling of Spring all around me. I noticed this little gem as I passed it, and as I continued to Walk, I thought about the importance of little things, and I turned around to take this photo as a reminder. As I apply the concept to the Walk for Peace, I think about the idea that everyone has the capacity to be Peace in their own lives.

For me, this Peace comes from knowing and accepting every aspect of myself. I am of a mind that each part of my personality that I enjoy also has a “shadow” side that I would rather not entertain. However, if I am willing to see myself fully, I can acknowledge the shadows, ask myself how they help me in the moment, and clearly decide to step into the light and act from there.

Do I always do it? Not a chance! I am able to do it more consistently as time goes by, however, because I practice. When I feel as if I am overreacting to something or feeling like shutting down, for example, I ask myself what isn’t working in the situation, and how I would change it. Usually, the answer comes to me with little effort. And, sometimes, it’s a little thing that can shift the entire experience.

I wonder what would shift, if we took a moment before our shadows crowd us, to meditate on being Peace in our day. What if, each morning, a million people from all over the world simply said the word Peace prior to getting  up, speaking or communicating in any other way? Could we shift the energy? Would a million more people inquire as to what was going on, and decide to begin their day in the same fashion? And could the very energy of this simple action send us into our days just a bit more at ease with ourselves and others? I believe the answer is a resounding yes.

I begin my day with the word Peace. I then ask to be Peace as I move through the day. Try it. I guarantee you will feel a change.
