Peace of Mind… (blog)

Day 358

As Chandler and I walked in town today, we came across this magnificent magnolia tree, well into its Spring bloom, and I felt compelled to take a couple of photographs. Many of the petals had already fallen on the ground, and I could smell the lovely fragrance from the beautiful, full blooming flowers. It was a Peaceful moment to simply stand and enjoy the beauty of nature in its full expression.

Before the walk, the day had been a bit discombobulated. I had several phone calls set up, and each one was affected by miscommunication (time zone issues), internet interruptions (Skype kept dropping the call) and changing of times based on the earlier issues. I could feel myself getting restless and frustrated by technology, and I wanted to shift the energy. Hence, the Walk, the magnolia, the wagging tail of Chandler as she explored the area, etc.

For this Peace Walker, one key element of presence is to notice what I’m feeling about what I’m experiencing, and to shift the energy if the feelings and experience aren’t in alignment. Today, the shift came through taking a Walk.

I remind myself that I can stay in the dis-ease, which makes me disconnect from myself and from people around me. Or, I can choose to take an action that will change the energy, opening space that is inviting and inclusive, and bring me into deep presence with myself and others. And it is through this presence, that Peace is passed.

Day 357

Over the past couple of months, several of you have inquired as to when I am going to get back on the road on the Walk for Peace, and I want to take a moment to give you an update.

Unfortunately, it has been almost ten months since I had my knee revision surgery – the procedure that took me off the road back in May. During those months, I have had some difficulty with that knee, and I am working at finding out whether the difficulty is here to stay, or if there is something more involved than simply living with it.

After a number of follow up visits with the Dr. who performed the revision, I made the decision to seek a second opinion. Today, I had a bone scan, which will determine the condition of the revised joint. Next Monday, I will see the new Dr., to review the results and find out what I can expect going forward.

What I can tell you is, for this Peace Walker, this has been an incredibly difficult time for me. I have been working on finding Peace in the midst of the unknown, and, I am really ready for an answer. I meditate before I get of bed in the morning, asking for Peace in my heart. And, I ask that I take Peaceful action throughout the day – first with myself, and then with others. Some days, it comes naturally, and others, I have to work at it. After all, I’m human. Ironically, when I came out of the imaging center at the hospital this morning, this car was parked behind an auxiliary building that I decided to walk around (to stay in the shade), and I couldn’t help but see it as a message that all is well.

In the meantime, I am working on ways to involve you in the Dream of Peace that I envision, and the Walk for Peace is an outward manifestation of my commitment to that Dream. It is my plan to continue Walking – perhaps a bit differently than when I first started. Next week’s appointment is going to inform the design of the next part of the Walk for Peace.

I am looking for people who are interested in growing the energy of Peace with me. I want to create an ongoing series of actions that we can take as individuals or together, at specific times, for the sake of Peace. If you are interested in sharing ways that you find Peace in your life with others, I wold love to spend some time with you, getting your story on video, and including it in my blog.

If you enjoy the blog, and want to take the next step in your Walk for Peace, I’d love to connect with you. You can reach me by filling out the contact page, or by email at

What will you do to support Peace?


Day 355

Chandler and I had a long walk this morning, and during our exploration of the land, we came across this little zebra figurine, placed delicately in one of the garden beds on the property. Chandler sniffed it, and continued walking. I, however, thought about what an interesting visual it created. You see, a zebra is about the last thing one might think of to see in the Sierra Foothills, in California, in a garden bed, etc.

And then I asked myself, “Why?”.

We become accustomed to seeing certain things that seem “normal”, and the things that don’t register that way in our minds, sometimes, become invisible. I have walked by that garden bed at least fifty times, and today was the first time I really looked at the zebra figurine.

For me, this is a simple reminder of an important lesson – and, it was the impetus for today’s intention:

My intention for today is notice those not noticed.

There is a way in which we become so engrossed in our own lives, that we don’t take the time to notice what and who surrounds us.

A bit later, I went to a movie, and saw Hidden Figures. The entire story revolved around black women in the NASA Space Program in the early 1960’s and the amazing work they did to assist in sending someone (John H. Glenn Jr.) to orbit the earth in a Spacecraft. Ironically, the women were, for the most part unnoticed for their work – until they stood up and insisted that people (white people) take notice of them, their work, their humanity.

I find a Peaceful way of being when I get out of myself and notice the world around me, and the people in it.

Later in the day, I walked into a coffee shop where several women were playing cards. They were laughing and having a great time with each other. Rather than walk by, I approached the table and told them how wonderful it felt to see them enjoying each other’s company. And I made it a point to notice something about each of the players.

For this Peace Walker, one of the greatest gifts that I can give or receive is to be seen. Really seen. In the Walk for Peace, I effort to notice everything and everyone around me.

I’m grateful for the zebra reminder this morning – funny, it’s almost as if it noticed me, too.


Day 351

This morning, I walked down to the where the horses are and offered Tug and Cricket carrots, which they enthusiastically took from my hand. As I walked toward the horses, I remembered the first time I fed a horse a carrot. Unfortunately, I was holding the carrot with my fingers around it, and the horse bit my finger when he took it. Fortunately, my friend Colleen, was able to help get my finger out of the horse’s mouth, for which I was grateful. And today, the offering was made with a flat, open hand, just as Colleen taught me. For me, the memory made me a little nervous, but I knew I had learned a different way to handle the situation, which gave me the ability to enjoy the moment.

So why does the story matter?’

First, by opening myself to learning a different way of feeding horses, I get to give these horses treats. Next, each time I give the horses a carrot, I become more confident in my interactions with them. Also, as I release the fear, I find that I am able to connect to the horses more easily, and I enjoy the time I spend with them. And, I am grateful for my friend Colleen’s experience, because what she taught me keeps me in good stead as I go forward.

Today, I had the intention to hold the dream open to the Universe.

I am passionate about Walking for Peace. For me, the commitment meant letting go of my possessions, and literally, Walking for Peace. For other folks, it may be about being a voice for Peace in their families, or their communities. One of my friends meditates each day, which brings her to peace. What I want to say is, we can all contribute to the energy of Peace. I learn from you when you share about what brings you Peace, and you learn from me as I blog or speak to you directly. Since I began the Walk for Peace, I have reconnected with people I hadn’t spoken to in years. I’ve met new people, stayed with people who offered me space in their homes, and I’ve become more connected to the Peace within my heart. And, I want to continue to connect with you in a way that grows Peace in the world.

I’m interested in hearing how you are finding and spreading Peace in your life. I’d like to know what Peace looks like to you. I if you have time, send me a message. Let’s plan a time to talk about Peace and how we can continue building it – one step at a time.


Day 348

For as long as I can remember, music has been a huge part of my life. I remember returning to Southern California from a visit with my cousins in Sacramento, and rushing to share about a new song I’d learned that was on the radio “up there”. As I began to sing ‘Delta Dawn’, my sisters all chimed in and sang it with me.

The thing is, it actually confused me, because I didn’t know that the same songs played on the radio no matter where you were. I thought I was going to share something new with my sisters, and was sad that I didn’t get to. Part of what was difficult about that experience was that I was embarrassed that I didn’t know how the radio worked. I felt dumb in front of the “big kids”. I wasn’t dumb, of course, but at the moment, I didn’t know it. I remember thinking to myself that if anyone tried to share something new that they’d learned with me, I would pay attention, no matter whether I’d heard it before or not. For me, this decision helped me to return to the group and enjoy the fact that we all knew the song, and that it was fun to sing together.

That experience was actually a game changer for me. In the middle of what could have been a terrible experience, I was given the clarity to turn it around and make something positive of it for myself, and ultimately, for other people.

When I take the time to listen to music I enjoy, I find that I connect to the music from deep within my body – the vibration of the music actually brings me a sense of Peace. I become aware of my breathing and how I’m experiencing the music. This is particularly true when I hear the cello.

I also enjoy singing. My sisters and I grew up singing, together and individually. Singing is one way that people connect to one another. I remember growing up and hearing one particular singer and knowing that he was born share love and connection through his music. The passion in his words and music invited something in the young person that was me, to come forth, and for that, I am forever grateful. And, I have a sister who is an accomplished singer-songwriter who makes me feel the same way when I listen to her. Her music touches the people who hear it, inviting them to feel the feelings they are experiencing, and to hear their stories in her words. On a larger scale, schools have songs to represent them, as do states, nations and countries. These songs bring people together as well. What a beautiful point of connection music is.

For this Peace Walker, music transcends barriers of all types, inviting connection and shared experience on a cellular level. And, for me, music is Peace.






Day 346

This afternoon, Chandler and I went into town for several hours, and it was lovely. The sun was out, and people seemed to be enjoying the break from the rain.

I had occasion to greet many people, due in no small part to Chandler. I’ve often spoken of Chandler and what a gift it is to have her in my life, and today simply reconfirmed it. What I love about Chandler is, she absolutely adores people. Since the day I brought her home with me, she has been enthusiastic about meeting new people. She’s also been around lots of different dogs, which makes traveling with her pretty enjoyable. Today, she greeted person after person as they walked past the table where we were sitting. Her tail wagged as she leaned into the scratches and love pats from her new friends, and I got to talk with them about various things.

One of the women who stopped, noticed my top, and she asked if I had been walking. I invited her to share the table, and we talked about the Walk for Peace. Sandy and I talked about what it means to be Peaceful and, at the same time, strong. We spoke about being a voice for Peace in our families and our communities. I talked about creating a web of Peace – connecting people, organizations and events, in an effort to expand the energy of Peace around the world. When we finished talking, Sandy gave me her contact information and asked that we keep in touch. She thanked me for the cnversation, and I thanked her too.

There was a rhythm to the day that felt Peaceful, happy and heartfelt. I’m grateful for my conversation with Sandy. And, I’m grateful to Chandler, for being a dog, Walking beside me for Peace.

Day 343

Today, as I thought about my intention, I thought about some of the people who have mentored me over the years. What I know is, each of them, in their own unique way, showed me that not only is it possible, but it’s actually necessary to express myself fully when I am communicating with other people. I also know that in showing the vulnerable side of myself, I become both bolder and more courageous. Bolder, because each time I step into the vulnerability, I experience a deeper sense of myself as well as the people around me, which makes me want to step in more fully, more often. And, more courageous because I have to let go of ego in order to express myself fully.

As I was growing up, I felt as if I didn’t really fit with the other kids, and I created different mechanisms to hide that truth. Unfortunately, I carried some of those masks into my adulthood. Fortunately, however, as I began to test the waters of genuine interaction, I had different mentors come into my life who helped me to trust myself, my intuition and my inner shaman. And, as I grew, so too did my ability to reach out and be myself with others.

One of the greatest gifts of letting go of the masks was, and is to this day, the freedom of recognizing my own humanity. It is a wonderful feeling to simply be myself, and to share myself with others. It is also a great joy to have others share themselves with me.

It isn’t always easy to come from an open, vulnerable place, but covering up with masks is even more difficult. Letting go of the thinges that don’t serve me is a gift in and of itself. And, knowing I am bringing all of me into relationships with others, gives full permission for them to do the same.

This is the place for deep, rich, heart felt conversations. This is the place where curiosity lives. It’s where we really see ourselves and one another. And, for me, this is the place of Peace.



Day 342

I was at a gathering of women over the weekend, where we were asked to close our eyes and think about the world we want to live in. As we sat quietly reflecting, we were then directed to ask ourselves the question, “What part of this is mine to do?”. What I love about the question is, it allows the person to find the answer that fits who they are. As I stood in the room, I thought about the Walk for Peace, and I knew that it is my part to do.

For almost a year now, my focus has been the Walk for Peace. I dream of connecting organizations & individuals working for Peace all around the world, and energizing people to find ways to engage with others for Peace.

This Peace comes when we speak with respect to those with whom we disagree. It comes when we use language that is loving and non-violent in conversations. We find it in honoring one another and choosing inclusion of everyone. And, it is ours when we lay down our weapons, choosing instead, to extend ourselves to others around us.

It isn’t always easy to be Peaceful, particularly in the face of opposition. In fact, sometimes, it takes more courage to be at Peace when those around us aren’t. That is why it is important to connect with others. When I am connected to other folks who are Walking with me (literally or figuratively), I find strength to encourage others along my path to consider Peace as a way to be in the world. And when I am tired and needing to replenish myself, I know that others are helping by talking about Peace, being Peaceful and sharing it with me.

We are all connected energetically. Let’s continue the Walk for Peace until that energy becomes uninterrupted around the world.




Day 338

I’ve been sick for the past several days, and have missed blogging, because of it. Today, I actually feel as if I have turned the corner completely, thank goodness!

When I went out to run an errand, I saw this cute little car with a Peace sign on its grill, and it made me smile. As I got out to take the picture, I was aware of the sense of connection to purpose I felt, just from seeing the little Peace sign.

From that awareness, I thought about what purpose looks and feels like to me. Here is what I know. When I am on purpose in my life, even when there is much work to complete, I find I always have enough energy to get it done. Also, I find that meals become a way to nourish me, rather than something I do because I’m bored. When I am engaged in my purpose, I can be completely alone and know that I am supported and loved regardless of being by myself. And, when I am on purpose in my life, I am full of passion and grace, energy and stillness, innocence and wisdom, and, so much more. Also, I find myself consistently grateful for the gifts I have, as well as the ability to share them. I experience sheer joy in seeing and hearing about other people’s interests and passions. Finally, when I am living my life on purpose, I am at Peace.

For this Peace Walker, purpose is in service of others for the sake of Peace. I am committed to being a voice for Peace internally, as well as a voice for Peace in the midst of the hurt, hate, anger, fear and separation that so many people are feeling and experiencing all over the world.

Some days, purpose looks like a smile and a photograph of a Peace sign on the front of a car in a parking lot. Others, it is being a visible, Peaceful calm in the energy of chaos. There are moments where it takes the form of weaving Peace into every conversation I have. And still others are filled with Walking. Walking with Peace in my heart, offering it freely to whomever I meet along the way.

As the Walk for Peace continues, I invite you to join me. Meet me for cup of coffee and a discussion about Peace. Share your stories of Peace with me. Send me a message – let’s work together to bring Peace to our world by connecting and sharing that Peace with one another, step by step.

I’d love to hear from you…


Day 328

The two pictures in tonight’s post were sent to me by a long time friend of mine. Brenda sent them, saying they reminded her of me and the Walk for Peace. The heart and Peace sign are made from driftwood.

The colorful Peace sign below is made from various flower pins from the Sixties, and hangs in an art gallery in Cambria, California.

Two different artists – two different interpretations of the Peace sign.

In the 1950s a member of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmamant named Gerald Holtom created this design, which was to become their logo. The Peace sign, the hand signal in a “V” and the Peace flag all, in time, became international symbols of Peace.

Recently, there have been huge changes in our world. We are seeing shifts economically, politically, socially and environmentally. We are hearing voices for and against issues, we are seeing protests in support of and in opposition to laws, orders and policies. We are experiencing “firsts” in terms of climactic and environmental events. And we are witnessing entire groups of people being held to different standards because of their personal beliefs.

The dissension is growing at an alarming pace.

For me, the responsibility for Peace around the world lies within each of us. Be it a discussion with someone whose thinking is diametrically opposed to our own, a literal Walk for a mile in someone else’s shoes, or perhaps, a face to face meeting with our “enemy”, we are each responsible.

Take a moment to think about one place, one person, one situation you are not feeling Peace with. In order to change it, you will have to take a risk and take an action to make it happen. What’s the action you’ll take to help build Peace?