I have had the opportunity in my life to work inside and outside. On some of the jobs, I used my thinking more than my body, and on others, I called on brawn over brain. In all of my work, however, I have called upon my intuitive sense for guidance. This is a part of me that feels the energy of things, and allows the energy to speak. This is the place in me where I feel what is, and I lean into the knowing I have.
For many years, I hid from this knowing, telling myself that I couldn’t possibly feel everything that clearly. I didn’t know anyone else felt things as deeply as I did, and I was embarrassed about it. I felt like a “weirdo”.
Over the years, however, I have had the good fortune of meeting other people whose intuition is their guide, and I have been encouraged to explore the gift of knowing that I have.
When I dreamt of Walking years ago, I didn’t speak of it for a long time. You see, I knew the first time I dreamt it, that this was something that I was called to do. I felt it so deep within, that it scared me. And, I knew that if I talked about it, it would happen.
Thank goodness I have had mentors and teachers who have taught me to embrace my knowing as a gift. They have taught me how to use it for the benefit of others, and how to be with the feelings that it evokes.
Today, I am grateful for the knowing. I am grateful that I am on this Walk for Peace. And I a grateful for the opportunity to share myself with others as we speak about Peace.
We each have gifts to share that will, if we allow them, bring us closer together in a collaborative, loving, Peaceful way. It is our responsibility to embrace our unique gifts, to share them with others, and to invite others to share their gifts with us.
Years ago, I wrote words and music to a chant that I still use to this day –
Great Spirit of my soul
All the gifts you’ve given me
May I give back, to others now
In a way, that honors thee
For me, the way I do this, is through the Walk for Peace. Join me, won’t you? Share your gifts – the world around you needs them.