Peace of Mind… (blog)

Day 221

As I sat outside this evening watching Chandler wander in the grass, I was grateful for the lovely Fall evening here in Texas. The temperature was warm enough for me to be comfortable in lightweight clothing, and the sun was peeking in and out from behind the large tree in the yard. I watched a couple of birds eat from the feeder in the yard, and felt the slightest breeze in my hair. I felt completely at Peace in that moment.

Sitting quietly, I took a moment to think about what had happened inside over the previous couple of hours, and it made me smile. A few days ago, I wrote about a new dog on the ranch who was pregnant, and this afternoon, she gave birth to four puppies. As the mother cleaned, fed and nurtured her puppies, there was a Peaceful calm about the way she tended to their needs, and I was grateful to be witness to it.

There are many every day chores to be done to keep this ranch running, and often, things that were planned get changed. One thing is for sure though. At the end of the day, when the tools are put away and the animals have all been fed, there is a sense of Peace and quiet that feels like an honest day’s work has been done.

I am grateful tonight to have noticed the world around me today. I’m glad to be resting quietly, happy for the completion of today’s tasks. And, I am grateful to add this day to the Walk for Peace.


Day 220

I’ve struggled the past few days with writing a post, because I haven’t felt Peaceful. In fact, my mood has been up and down, I’ve been short with people and I’ve wanted to run away from everyone and everything. And although I’ve stayed, I can’t say that it has been a graceful time.

Last night however, I had a coaching call that really helped me to process what I was feeling, which parts of what I’ve been feeling were mine, and to determine what I could do or how I could be in response to circumstances that challenge me.

So what’s important about all of this? First and foremost, it is about self-compassion. Also, I have learned that finding the bits of wisdom that are hidden within the “bad” feelings actually remind me of what I need. You see, when this Peace Walker reacts rather than responding, it is usually because I haven’t been honoring myself by doing the things that center me in being at Peace.

Today, I began the day with a quiet meditation before I got up. I thought about what I am grateful for, and what I would like to have in my day. I asked for a clear head and an open heart. I took some deep breaths and thought about being of service in the most effective way for myself and then for others.

I feel reconnected to my inner Peace today, and it is good.

Day 216

One of the things that I have noticed since being at my sister’s ranch is similar to what I experienced after I had been Walking for Peace for a couple of weeks.  The amount of emotional energy being called for along with the consistent sensory input became greater than what I alone could handle. So, I called a friend, and talked about what I was experiencing. My friend helped me to slow down and to realign my physical and emotional body by doing some breathing exercises, and by speaking, acknowledging and releasing what I had allowed to build up within myself.

My intention yesterday was quiet. In the quiet, I can reconnect to the Peace within that allows me to meet my surroundings with calm, steady presence. In the quiet, I remember to breathe and to connect to my whole self.

There are moments when I cannot find the quiet or the connection to self that I seek, and it is in these times, that I reach out. I connect with another person and ask for help.

It isn’t always easy to ask for help, because there is an inherent vulnerability in doing so. I used to think asking for help meant I was weak. However, I am aware of the gratitude I feel when I have the chance to help someone else, and I believe others feel that when they are able to help me.

Is there something you’re holding that is creating a feeling of overwhelm for you in your emotional or physical self? Who is someone in your life you can ask to help you to return to Peace? What are you waiting for?

Day 215

When I came to Texas three weeks ago, it was to be of support to my sister, whose husband had passed away very quickly and unexpectedly. Ironically, my sister’s best friend was planning on flying to Texas to be with Molly, but she ended up having to fly to the east coast instead, to be with her son and his wife as their first child was born.

After I had been here a few days, Molly welcomed two new dogs to the ranch to become part of her breeding program. Ironically, one of the dogs was pregnant when she arrived.

As fate would have it, about a month ago, Molly told me that she had no litters due in October, which meant no holiday puppies. Ironically, the newly acquired pregnant dog is due soon, so there will be a litter of babies for the holidays after all.

My sister doesn’t believe that a dog who becomes disabled should automatically be euthanized (thank goodness), and so when one of her dogs was partially paralyzed at the home of the family who had adopted her, and they didn’t have the wherewithal to care for the dog, Molly offered to take her back and to care for her. Just a few days ago, that sweet little dog made her way alongside the others for their morning time outside. She did so enthusiastically and without assistance. Ironically, this was to be her last trip outside. For the next several hours, my sister Marybeth and I looked for this little dog, and finally located her, only to see that she was extremely ill (although she had not been injured). We brought her inside, bathed her, and Marybeth held her until she passed away.

As humans, it is our nature to have expectations about how certain experiences will turn out. However, we are often surprised when they turn out 180 degrees differently. In many instances recently, things have been very different than what it first seemed like they might be.

For this Peace Walker, it has been challenging to experience the constant shift in outcomes. I have had less patience and have found myself being a bit irritable and restless. And, I have attempted to recover to Peace whenever I catch myself being short with someone. And, for me, that is my irony. I’m a Peace Walker who is slipping in and out of Peace pretty consistently.

I suppose more than anything, that makes me…human.



Day 211

Tonight, I was reflecting on how adaptable Chandler is, and I was feeling really blessed to have her as my four legged companion. She is friendly, loves people, and settles in wherever she goes. There are a lot of animals on the land where we are, and the fact that she is lying on a bed with not only another dog but also a cat, is indicative of her ability to adapt, which I am grateful for.

As I watched Chandler settle into the rhythm of the goings on here, I was aware of my own ability to adapt to different situations, and the ease with which I settle in to different environments is, for me, a gift.

In letting go of my belongings while preparing for the Walk for Peace, I made an unspoken commitment to myself to find one thing every night when I got to where I would be staying that grounded and centered me. Sometimes, it was a flower in a yard, or a book on the shelf. And sometimes it was the simple routine of setting up Chandler’s food and water bowls, and getting her settled.

For this Peace Walker, that moment of grounding every evening gives me a sense of being home. And with this feeling, I can go anywhere and settle in to the rhythm of my surroundings. Just like Chandler!

Day 210

The fall sunlight shone so beautifully on these flowers just a couple of houses away from my sister’s home, that I just stood quietly, in  the warmth and beauty of the sun, looking at the blossoms. There was a Peace in enjoying this simple moment in nature.

I have a friend who hikes regularly, and she finds it a good way to connect with nature and to search her soul for answers. Sometimes, she sends photos of where she hikes, which I thoroughly enjoy.

For this Peace Walker, being in nature or seeing people find Peace by being in nature brings me great joy.

Late this afternoon, I took a few minutes and sat in a rocking chair on my sister’s property, and I thought about my brother-in-law. He was one of the kindest people I’ve ever come across. I can feel his energy  all over the property. I feel deep gratitude for his energy and his continued presence.

I wonder, what kind of Peace could be gained from people simply sitting on  a porch, swinging slowly, connecting to the energy of loved ones who have passed. Could that energy be a way to Peace? I certainly fellt Peaceful as I sat in the rocker…

Day 208

My sister Molly took this picture of me while I was trying on cowboy hats, and I wanted to share it for a couple of reasons. First, I love the hat with the tie-dyed top – a pairing I would not have considered making in my youth, for fear of being made fun of.


Second, my sister Molly and I had a moment of levity in the midst of what has been a difficult time. Third, it’s a tradition when I see hats in a store to try them on, and to have my picture taken.

What’s important about this little moment in time at the store, is that I got to spend some time with Molly being silly and separating from everything for a while. Doing that made me feel Peaceful. It also made me feel grateful.

I find that when life seems out of balance, it helps to take a moment and return to center. Sometimes, it is trying on hats. Others, it’s taking a long, hot bath or shower. And what I am aware of is the need for grounding is present not only in sadness, but also in joy. That is to say,  we can wear ourselves out on the “good” things as well as the “bad”. Balance, for me, is where I find great and truly sustainable Peace.

And so, I shall continue to try on hats, giggle at odd times, sing out loud to the radio in the car, and other things that help to balance the ups and downs in my life. This way, I will continue to be at Peace.

Day 207

As the sky opened up with some soothing raindrops and my sister Marybeth and I were running errands, I happened to look over and see this Peace sign on the roof of a van near where we parked. When I took the photograph, I wondered what the odds were of me being in the right time and place to see this particular Peace sign.

Seeing the Peace sign also made me think of another idea. Have you ever had the experience of hearing a word or seeing something for the first time, and then, once it’s in your awareness, hearing it or seeing it often during the next few days or weeks? I sometimes feel as if Peace signs are the same for me. I opened my consciousness to Peace signs, and now, I notice them in places I might not even have thought to look before.

It’s fun to notice, because every time I see a new Peace sign, it brings a smile to my face, and a warming to my heart. There is a way in which I feel connected to the person or people who are displaying it. I feel as if the energy of Peace is ever expanding, and I love passing it on through my posts.

Here’s a challenge – for the next week, any time you see a Peace sign, take a picture and send it to me. I’ll include it in my post, and tell a little about it. This way, we are continuing energetically to grow Peace.


Day 205

I have been staying on the land where my sister lives in Texas, and yesterday, I saw this creature making its way across the walkway in front of the house.

I wasn’t really thinking I’d be writing about an insect, but several things came up for me when I saw it and decided to take its picture.

First, I am grateful that I was present enough to have seen it. I could just as easily have missed seeing it, or worse yet, I could have stepped on it. But, for some reason, I saw it, and decided to take a picture of it. Also, I am fascinated by the intricacy of such a relatively small creature. Every minute detail allows this insect to live and to make its way in the same world that I live and make my way in.

I feel like this little insect and I represent a portion of what the Walk for Peace is about. You see, for this Peace Walker, every creature is valuable and necessary to the overall health and wellbeing of every other creature in our world.

I find Peace in little insects, and in knowing that while I may not know what their purpose is, they certainly have one. I find Peace in other creatures, and I am curious about the place they hold in the orde of things. I find Peace in human beings, and their ability to live with one another, in unique and different ways.

So for today, thinking about this insect actually gave me a chance to think about not only myself, but about also all of the creatures of the world. And this, too, brings me Peace.

Day 203

This little vinca pushed its way out from under gravel, which covers shade cloth, and under the border of this yard. It bloomed in its new location, adding color and life to this otherwise drab landscape.

As I walked by it, I thought about the resilience of this little plant. The plant that didn’t die and didn’t get pulled out of the ground when the shade cloth and gravel were put in, followed the path of least resistance and found a way to grow.

Sometimes, to surrender and follow the path of least resistance allows us to bloom and grow in ways that we could not imagine. For me, the release of control, and the leap into the unknown is an opportunity to trust that all will be well.

Is there something that is covered up for you that you might be served well by taking a “leap of faith” and jumping into? What is possible in letting go of control? Can you be curious and simply let yourself BE in the experience? And what, if anything, are you holding onto that you need a change of perspective on?