Today, I woke up thinking about the fact that 101 days ago, I stepped off on the Walk for Peace. I decided to take some time to review the photographs I’ve taken, and I am so glad I did! As I looked at the faces of the people I’ve already met, and allowed memories to flow in, I felt a sense of Peace and tranquility that filled me with warmth and gratitude from the inside out.
Then I thought the future of the Walk for Peace, letting my thoughts drift to all of the possible ways it could go…and I was filled with a deep longing to be physically walking again, meeting people and sharing spontaneous connections along the way.
And finally, I brought myself back into the present moment, which I’m not feeling completely Peaceful in. As you know, I have been having trouble with my knee, and have been resting it for almost 5 weeks, without improvement. On Sunday, I went to the ER (again), and after tests and x-rays, was told that the artificial knee joint is loosening/failing. Unfortunately, this means that I will have to have a surgical procedure called a “revision”. Fortunately, when I called to check the status of my application for health care coverage in California, I was informed that it is active. And, I have an appointment with an orthopedist on Wednesday next week. For the time being, I will be staying where I am – in Nevada City, CA.
It also means a shift in the way I reach out to have conversations about Peace (at least for now).
As I walked into a coffee shop yesterday, I was greeted by a woman who said she liked my t-shirt. I thanked her, turned, and ordered my coffee. As soon as I had paid, I turned to the woman and asked if I could join her for a moment. She and her daughter were heading out, so we exchanged a few words, and she thanked me for telling her about the Walk, and as we parted, she entered the name of my website into her phone, saying she would definitely “check it out”.
Next, Valentina (the proprietor of the coffee shop) and I talked about the Walk (as we have on several previous occasions), and I teased that since I am going to be in town, I might just take up residence in a corner of the shop to talk to people about Peace. Valentina immediately indicated that it would be fine with her. And, she indicated that the store could be used at night for other purposes. So, after a bit more discussion, I asked Valentina if she would be willing to let me host regular evening gatherings to talk about Peace with people in the community. Her response? “Of course I would! Anything I can do for the community, I want to do. It is the least I can do for humanity.”
Just like that, the energy of Peace through community is sparked through 1conversation! And, just like that, the Walk for Peace continues!
For this Peace Walker, there is disappointment, sadness, anger, and a bit of “poor me” in having to have my “new knee” fixed, and It feels important to say so. And it also feels important to say that there is gratitude and comfort in knowing that I have a community that will help me “get back on my feet again”, in having the ability to have the repair done on my knee, and in knowing that even in the face of uncertainty, I can find Peace. What I know about myself is that when I am facing an obstacle in my life, I have a process I go through that helps me ultimately find Peace. First, I become quiet and introspective, taking time to get used to the idea. Second, I give myself permission to be with the sadness, fear, anger, frustration, etc., rather than ignoring the feelings. (I have found that it helps to give myself a time frame for this phase, so that I don’t sink completely into the quicksand of the emotions). Third, as I begin to take the steps toward resolution, I am gentle with myself. I complete as many steps as I can comfortably, and then I let it go for the rest of the day. Fourth, I talk about what I’m facing with people who can support me without needing to fix it or me. And finally, I stay closely connected to my daily practice of meditation, chanting and intention setting. This keeps me grounded and centered in presence.
In this presence, I am at Peace.