Today in the mail, I received two things. The first was a couple of rolls of Rock Tape for supporting my knee. The second was this hat. Both were gifts from my dear friend, Becky McKee. The hat is one that Becky owned, and the day I told Becky and her partner Tina Andersen about the Walk for Peace, Becky said the hat should be mine. Honestly, I had forgotten about it, but I love it, and I was grateful to receive it – today especially.
Why today? Because today was an especially emotional day for me. Let me see if I can share a bit with you…
Two nights ago, I straightened my leg, and I heard/felt a rather loud and painful “clunk” in my knee. And, since then, I have been in a lot of pain. And, although I have a rather high threshold for pain, I am feeling particularly tired by this pain. As you know, I went to the ER in Napa and got an immobilizer. Then, went to an Urgent Care clinic in Nevad County and was given a hinged knee brace. Unfortunately, the overall condition has not improved. My feeling is that I need to be seen by a specialist. My non-emergency, non Urgent healthcare coverage is in Washington. That means that in order to be seen by an orthopedist, I need to be in Washington.
Here’s where it gets complicated, so hang in there with me.
Before I started the Walk for Peace, I was invited to assist in a 10 month leadership program (the program I completed last August) which is offered through the Coaches Training Institute. A portion of the program takes place in 4 week long residential retreats in Sonoma, Ca. And, the second of the retreats that I am assisting for is next week.
If you’re still with me, here’s the plan.
Tomorrow, I will be taken to Napa, where I will stay until Monday. On Monday, I will be picked up in Napa by my co-assistant, Annemarie Estess, and taken to Sonoma. Then, on the 19th of June, I will be taken to the airport and I will fly to Washington to find out what is going on with my knee.
Of course, this is the plan. As with all of life, things could change.
Today held a lot of tears and a lot of release for me. The tears were due in part to the pain I’ve been in. They were also due to knowing that this is the best plan for now – even if it isn’t MY plan. And they were due to the amazing support I have received everywhere I’ve turned today.
As this Peace Walker says Yes to the next chapter, she is fully committed to conversations about Peace, Peaceful interactions and continuing to share the energy of Peace in each encounter she has. For now, a metaphorical Walk for Peace through presence to it.