This afternoon and evening, I had an opportunity to go to a pipe circle, led by a woman whose words and way of being in the circle brought a sense of Peace to the entire experience. Ty Yarnell led the ceremony, and Chris Williams, Jackie Brown, Tina Heck and I held the remaining places in the circle. The purpose of such a circle is to be in community, offer blessings (to the four directions, Grandfather Sky, Mother Earth, plants, animals, humans, etc.), call in the ancestors, offer prayers/gratitudes, and pass the pipe around the circle in fellowship.
After the circle, we had the pleasure of having dinner together. During the dinner, Ty and Chris shared how they had used the 1conversation for Peace cards one evening with Tina and Jackie – just being in community with them and sharing the questions/answers together.
We also talked about different types of service, and becoming aware of ways that people serve one another that we might ordinarily notice. I mentioned some people I met, that live in a room at a motel, where many of the rooms are rented to people for long term occupancy. The folks I met do motel ministry – helping the occupants get connected to services in the area that they need.
The evening was hosted by my good friend Jackie and her two beautiful dogs, Sequoia and Santana. (Chandler took the night off and stayed with Kelli and Rowdy).
As I prepare to rest tonight, I am pleased to say that my knee continues to improve. I am having significantly less pain, and finding myself able to bear weight well most of the time. If the improvement continues, I’ll take the buggy out and push it a bit to see how that feels.
I am grateful to have gone to the circle tonight – and to have spoken a gratitude for each person I’ve encountered so far, as well as all the people I have yet to meet along the Walk for Peace.
The ripple of Peace continues…can you feel it?