Peace of Mind… (blog)

Day 70

This afternoon and evening, I had an opportunity to go to a pipe circle, led by a woman whose words and way of being in the circle brought a sense of Peace to the entire experience. Ty Yarnell led the ceremony,  and Chris Williams, Jackie Brown, Tina Heck and I held the remaining places in the circle. The purpose of such a circle is to be in community, offer blessings (to the four directions, Grandfather Sky, Mother Earth, plants, animals, humans, etc.), call in the ancestors, offer prayers/gratitudes, and pass the pipe around the circle in fellowship.

After the circle, we had the pleasure of having dinner together. During the dinner, Ty and Chris shared how they had used the 1conversation for Peace cards one evening with Tina and Jackie – just being in community with them and sharing the questions/answers together.

We also talked about different types of service, and becoming aware of ways that people serve one another that we might ordinarily notice. I mentioned some people I  met, that live in a room at a motel, where many of the rooms are rented to people for long term occupancy. The folks I met do motel ministry – helping the occupants get connected to services in the area that they need.

The evening was hosted by my good friend Jackie and her two beautiful dogs, Sequoia and Santana. (Chandler took the night off and stayed with Kelli and Rowdy).

As I prepare to rest tonight, I am pleased to say that my knee continues to improve. I am having significantly less pain, and finding myself able to bear weight well most of the time. If the improvement continues, I’ll take the buggy out and push it a bit to see how that feels.

I am grateful to have gone to the circle tonight – and to have spoken a gratitude for each person I’ve encountered so far, as well as all the people  I have yet to meet along the Walk for Peace.

The ripple of Peace continues…can you feel it?


Day 69

Every two weeks, I have the pleasure of having a phone/skype conversation with one or both of these lovely people. Donald Dawson and Miriam Linderman came into my life a year ago November as assistants in a leadership program that I was in. From the beginning, I loved being in their company – both together and individually. Today, I am lucky to call them my friends. This morning was one of our conversations, and we talked, giggled, speculated on my knee and concurred that being in the present moment is the very best place to be.

Later today sometime, Miriam posted this video, which was not only a total surprise, but a complete honor. It brought me to tears. Thank you, Miriam.

Thank you both for being such a strong support in my life, and a place where laughter and tears are free to coincide. These vulnerable, uncensored relationships are one place that this Walker finds Peace.

Day 68

I passed this beautiful Columbine as I headed out this morning to meet my friends Sandy (pictured) and Tart for breakfast. At breakfast, we talked a bit about the progress of my knee and in general about the Walk. Both Tart and Sandy were curious about where I’d be starting from when my knee is better, and I explained that it depends on how long the recovery takes. As soon as I am ready head out with Chandler, I will determine the route I will take to get headed North along 101, and I’ll let folks know. It was great to be with Tart and Sandy – catching up and strategizing about next steps (pun intended).image

Just a few minutes later, I surprised my friend Denise Pasetta by showing up at her house unexpectedly. We had a visit on her porch over a cup of coffee, and Chandler got some exercise by jumping up and down by the window in an unsuccessful effort to get to the cats inside. Denise, an avid hiker and backpacker, shared some exercises/walking strategies to help strengthen my muscles and help me stay strong on the road. image

The afternoon and evening passed quickly with the arrival and settling in of Kelli’s daughter Nicole Magana, her partner Randy (not pictured), and two little critters for Chandler and Rowdy to hang out with. Cocoa, Roxy and Chandler all greeted each other and seemed to be happy to add to the count of beings under a foot tall. image

I had a short walk and several trips in and out of Kelli’s car today, and I iced my knee several times (thanks Kelli), as well. I will take a more rigorous walk tomorrow to see how my knee feels, so please hold good thoughts and energy for noticeable improvement.

For now, that’s the word from the Walk for Peace.


Day 67

A good portion of today was spent reflecting on the first 67 days of the Walk for Peace, and connecting with people who have been of support since I first started talking about it.

I have been fortunate to be in fairly regular communication with my friend Sue Abuelsamid (not pictured), and we got a chance to talk on the phone today. Sue’s questions about the Walk allowed me to go deep into the seemingly simple experiences I’m having and find the learning, which is truly a gift.

For example, I am actually down two shirt sizes from when I began the Walk. The shirts I’ve been wearing have provided a bit of “cover” that the new, smaller shirts do not. And what I discovered as we talked about it is, that there is a greater sense of rawness in wearing the smaller shirt. A sense of being more “out there”, more visible. It’s not a bad thing, rather, something that I noticed and am willing challenge myself to be with. It’s a simple and rather subtle change on the surface, yet it feels in some ways like an opportunity to be more available…as if coming out from behind a cloak.

As I took my little Peace pup Chandler for our rehab Walk today, I’m happy to say that my knee felt pretty good. We walked about a mile and a half, with some inclines and driveways (picture the slant and slope of driveways and what they represent to a knee), as well as a nice flat section. I will continue to increase the distance/terrain until I am able to complete 5 miles, and then I will head out again.

Next, my dear friends Connie Salcido and Kelli Laton and I had supper together and it was full of laughter. I stayed at Kelli’s house the last few nights before the Walk began, and at Connie’s on the first night. It felt like an old glove for the three of us to be together, and it was Peaceful.

And to add to the gifts of the day, I had the opportunity to celebrate my 34 year anniversary of being clean and sober with many supportive friends at an AA meeting. They celebrate anniversaries for the month  on the last Thursday, and since my anniversary date is May 1, it was perfect timing!

Hmmm, could a day like today be a silver lining to an injured knee?


Day 66

As day 66 rolled in, I awakened grateful have less pain in my knee, and happy to be cozy in my friend Kelli’s home. Kelli’s dog, Rowdy, is a herding dog, and happy to have a job to do keeping Chandler rounded up. Clearly, Chandler is not as interested in Rowdy as he is in her!

Kelli went to an appointment and dropped me off at a park so that Chandler and I could do some walking. The day was breath taking, and we were both happy to be out visiting with park goers.  I decided to take pictures today of things that made me feel peaceful, and to engage  people primarily through body language and facial expressions. Chandler and I did greet one couple, their mother and their young daughter, and even that conversation was brief. The quiet brought me back to myself and to the energetic connection that I feel is at the core of our relationships with one another. It was a gift to spend time in the park today.

After a bit of rest, the four of us started out on another walk. Rowdy and Kelli turned toward home, while Chandler and I got in another good bit of walking. I am aware of how much love, attention and exercise Chandler has gotten from the Walk for Peace, and was grateful to be able to take her out twice today.

To top it all off, Kelli, who is a certified Reiki practitioner, gave me the gift of a session. I felt as if my whole body (not just my knee) was aligned and strengthened in the work we did together. Energy is so important to me, and when there is pain or distress or restlessness, my energy goes a bit haywire. Tonight, I feel grounded, centered, contemplative and Peaceful. Thank you, Kelli.

As a special treat, we finished our day with organic, Three Twins ice cream – right out of the containers!image


Day 65

Today, my good friend Kelli came to Napa and picked me up to drive me to her home in Nevada City to continue the recuperation of my knee.

During our trip, we talked about the feeling of resistance I have to being “off” the road for the time being. Another friend, Amanda joined us via Skype and we laughed and giggled and got serious as they asked questions and helped me explore the feelings I’m having. Later in the day, I spoke with my colleague Lauri, who challenged me to ask myself “What if your knee is a metaphor for peace?”

And tonight, I am aware that I was running away with my humanity – the part of me that wants my body to behave like I think it “should”. In the resistance to what is, I was pushing aside the very Peace that I have been having conversations about with the folks I’ve met along the way.

This feels like another layer of knowing myself, accepting myself and inviting the Peaceful perspectives of people who know me and are willing to call things like they see them for the sake of relationship.

One of the things in my life that brings me Peace, is having people who support me and know that asking me to look at myself is something I welcome and want. Sometimes I push back, but in the long run, the more willing I am to explore my humanity, the greater connection I have to presence as a way to Peace.

Day 64

Today has been full of conversations on the phone, emails and planning for heading up to Nevada County for continued strengthening of my knee. I took a mile walk with Chandler this morning, and was feeling well enough to go out again this afternoon for a much shorter walk with these two old buddies, Hunter and Casey. The pace they keep is slow and lumbering, which is perfect for this recovering Peace Walker.

I will be Walking every day, and doing the strengthening exercises, and I’ll keep my knee immobilized at night (this seems to be helping a lot).

Today, I went back and forth between wondering if I’m well enough to proceed from here and knowing that more recovery is the right path. I am choosing to err on the side of caution, and am happy that already folks are reaching out to Walk with me and spend time together when I’m in Nevada County.

In the mean time, please send photos of things that represent Peace for you to me at Who knows? Your picture or story might be part of the Walk for Peace blog…

Day 63

Today, I took a mile long walk without the knee immobilizer, and I was shortly thereafter convinced that this knee will take a few more days of rest and rehabilitation. Since I have already been a week at my friend Colleen’s home, I reached out to my friend Kelli Laton in Nevada City. Kelli agreed to come and get me on Tuesday and to let me (and Chandler, of course), stay at her house while I nurse my knee back to health.

I am struggling with not wanting to come off the road, and knowing that it is the best thing to do for the sake of the Walk. The better care I take of myself, the healthier I will be when I return to the road.

Here’s what I would like to ask of you who are following, sharing and holding the Walk closely:

  • If you are in Nevada County and there is someplace (a school, church, club, etc.) where you think a talk about the Walk for Peace would be welcomed, I would love to make that happen.
  • If you’d like to come and take me somewhere where we can take a short/flat walk and talk about the Walk for Peace, please get ahold of me.
  • If you are not in Nevada County but you would like to show your support, I invite you to select one of the buttons on the left and contribute to the Walk for Peace either through my fundraiser on Crowdrise or through the PayPal option.
  • Check in with me as often as you’d like.
  • Continue to have discussions about Peace with yourself, your families and your communities – and share them with others through every medium possible. Let’s swell the energy of Peace!

I will continue to Walk for Peace, and to share with all of you as my recovery progresses.

The answer is yes…you can Walk for Peace in one spot.



Day 62

I went back to the shopping center today, and had the pleasure of visiting some more with my new friend Dara Weyna. As the sun beat down on us, we decided to try and find a spot in the shade to continue our talk. Since all the tables were full, we asked if we could share a table with a gentleman who was sitting alone. What followed was a conversation with Robert “Bob” Crowther. Bob is retired after a long service in the Navy. He started as a Blacksmith as an 18 year old, and completed his career as the Deputy Director of Ocean Engineering. We enjoyed hearing several of Robert’s experiences, and the three of us had some good giggles at the ironies of certain situations. We also talked about the Walk, and Bob was supportive of it. At the end of our conversation, Dara was kind enough to bring me back to Colleen’s house.image

A little later, I tried to update the software in my iPad, and it “crashed”. For the next two and a half hours, I was on the phone with technical support.

The good news is that they were able to Walk me Peacefully through the steps to restore the iPad.

Tomorrow, I will try walking for a mile and see how my knee feels. If it is better, I’ll begin walking again on Monday. If not, I’ll work on the continued recovery schedule.


Day 61

I started the day with hot coffee and this Peace cereal for breakfast, both of which made me smile.

Colleen was kind enough to drop me off in a shopping center where there are lots of people, and I had some great encounters. My first conversation was with Jimmy Schrader, a retired Air Force officer. Jimmy asked where I was walking, and when I mentioned through California to Oregon, Jimmy regaled me with stories of the Oregon coast, which is his favorite place in the country. We talked about being in the military, traveling, the “new face” of fighting/battle, how to connect to people, being grateful for what we have, and lots of other things. Ultimately, Jimmy had to get to physical therapy, or we might have been in conversation all afternoon. Thanks, Jimmy.image

Just a bit later, I met Calvin and his mom, Dara Weyna. I asked Calvin if I could take a picture of his shirt, and he said yes. Dara and I visited for several minutes, and might have continued, but Calvin was ready to go take care of their errands.

I also spoke for quite a while with a kind man who was waiting for his wife to complete her shopping. Wally and Nancy have had quite a difficult time (medical issues) over the last several years, yet Wally was talking about how much he has to be grateful for. He had overheard me speaking with Dara, and asked me for my web site address, which I gave him. Later, when Nancy came out, I introduced myself, and Wally shared with her that I am a life coach. Nancy indicated that “she needs so help getting her life back on track”.  I gave Nancy my website information and said I would be happy to talk with her about coaching. As we all went our own ways, I realized that Wally really made me feel Peaceful, and I was grateful for out time together.

I left a note for the bookstore owner (she was out this afternoon) about possibly doing an impromptu talk at the store about Peace – and having the 1conversation for Peace cards available for sale.

In an effort to incorporate my intention for today, which was to invite a different perspective, I moved from table to table, so that I changed what I saw and the energy around me.

All in all, it was a full and most enjoyable day on the Walk for Peace!